PLANT from Accelerant Solutions is transforming how the commercial nuclear power industry is engaging and training students.
Accelerant Solutions recognizes that people are key to our success. Supporting and valuing our team is a main priority in how we conduct our day-to-day business.
Winston S. Churchill once said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” At Accelerant Solutions, we are clearly optimists. Each and every day we seek to identify difficulties experienced by our customers, and we recognize the opportunity to assist them in overcoming those difficulties. It is […]
Operator Fundamentals Training – CORE™: Interactive Fundamentals Training. This innovative and modernized solution engages students using advanced technology.

In a published September 2019 article on CORE, we discussed the old way of conducting operator fundamentals training which included the following: Step 1 – Prepare and revise training content for operator fundamentals. (2 weeks) Step 2 – Class up operator fundamentals by placing students in a classroom for 10-12 weeks and dedicating 1-2 instructors full time to implementation. Step 3 – Determine which students will […]
For 30 plus years the commercial nuclear industry has conducted general operator fundamentals training the same way. The method of nuclear training I am referring to usually precedes Licensed Operator Systems training at commercial nuclear plants and looks something like this: Step 1: Put 1 or 2 Operations instructors on generic fundamentals, more commonly referred […]