In today’s nuclear energy industry, where precision and safety reign supreme, adopting effective nuclear workforce development strategies is crucial. Our journey towards a skilled workforce hinges on a strategic approach to testing and training. As the industry continues to evolve, so must the methods by which we evaluate and develop the skills of nuclear professionals. […]

The nuclear power industry is rapidly evolving, requiring us to adapt our approach to employee training. Accordingly, blended and virtual learning have emerged as powerful tools, enhancing training effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility. In this blog post, we will explore how aligning the learning and development (L&D) strategy with blended and virtual learning can revolutionize nuclear […]

The US Nuclear industry has witnessed remarkable improvements in plant reliability and performance over the past four decades, with capacity factors experiencing a significant rise from 55.9% in 1975 to 88.1% by 2000 and reaching a peak of 92.3% in 2015. Since, it has consistently maintained performance within a 1% range. At the 2014 ANS […]

The nuclear power industry is rapidly evolving, requiring us to adapt our approach to employee training. Accordingly, blended and virtual learning have emerged as powerful tools, enhancing training effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility. In this blog post, we will explore how aligning the learning and development (L&D) strategy with blended and virtual learning can revolutionize nuclear […]

In a published September 2019 article on CORE, we discussed the old way of conducting operator fundamentals training which included the following: Step 1 – Prepare and revise training content for operator fundamentals. (2 weeks) Step 2 – Class up operator fundamentals by placing students in a classroom for 10-12 weeks and dedicating 1-2 instructors full time to implementation. Step 3 – Determine which students will […]
Welcome to the era of Interactive Technical Training, where the days of monotonous PowerPoint lectures are a thing of the past. Discover a dynamic way to educate with our innovative platform. Technical training without PowerPoint (PPT) is here. Death by PowerPoint. We have all seen it, we have all lived it, and we all dread […]
For 30 plus years the commercial nuclear industry has conducted general operator fundamentals training the same way. The method of nuclear training I am referring to usually precedes Licensed Operator Systems training at commercial nuclear plants and looks something like this: Step 1: Put 1 or 2 Operations instructors on generic fundamentals, more commonly referred […]
Safe, efficient nuclear plant operation is dependent upon rigorous design, excellent material condition, and first class nuclear training. However, ultimate responsibility for operational excellence rests with the skilled and alert people who we trust to operate and maintain our plants. Those of us trained in the nuclear Navy can relate to Admiral Rickover’s observation that: […]
In the ever-evolving field of nuclear energy, effective nuclear training assessments are pivotal. At Accelerant Solutions, we’re pioneering advancements in the self-evaluation reports (ASER), focusing on evidence-based formats to illustrate compliance with training objectives and criteria. Over the past several years, Accelerant has engaged with several station to assist in development of the accreditation self-evaluation […]