A Groundbreaking Visit Sparks Collaboration In December of 2019, marking the start of the NuScale SMR training collaboration, Accelerant Solutions leaders, Projects Director Jason Smith and President/CEO Billy Mack, visited NuScale’s headquarters in Corvallis, Oregon. There, they met with company leaders to explore training collaboration opportunities. Touring NuScale’s Innovative SMR Simulator During the visit, integral […]
New Challenges The world today is facing unprecedented challenges in response to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (declared by the World Health Organization on 3/11/20). As a result, many companies are being pressed to find new ways to work remotely and help in their own way to contain the virus. Some of these efforts include setting […]
Selecting the best nuclear power plant vendor isn’t easy. Let’s face it, there are a lot of third-party companies out there you could potentially do business with and no shortage of horror stories to go around. Examples are endless where jobs don’t get finished on time or worse yet with poor craftsmanship and three times […]
For 30 plus years the commercial nuclear industry has conducted general operator fundamentals training the same way. The method of nuclear training I am referring to usually precedes Licensed Operator Systems training at commercial nuclear plants and looks something like this: Step 1: Put 1 or 2 Operations instructors on generic fundamentals, more commonly referred […]
This month a majority of the Accelerant Solutions Management team headed to Jacksonville Florida to attend the American Nuclear Society Utility Working Conference at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort from August 4-7. The Utility Working Conference live event was put on by the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and was nothing short of spectacular. With […]
The 2019 NHRG conference this year was hosted by Arizona Public Service Palo Verde Generating Station and took place at the Kimpton Hotel in downtown Phoenix Arizona. Planning for the NHRG event began in mid 2018 and culminated in the gathering of some 150 nuclear Human Resource professionals and high-level executives from across both the […]
Building a culture of excellence within an organization starts with introspection and a strategic approach. Identifying pain points and understanding the impact of organizational actions is essential for long-term success. Causal Analysis: The Foundation for Building a Culture of Excellence Step 1 – Identify Your Biggest Pain Points Using Causal Analysis By performing an Apparent […]