Design NEXA® Training

Building Nuclear Safety Culture: The NEXA Approach

Creating a culture of safety within the nuclear industry demands a comprehensive approach that tackles safety from various angles – knowledge sharing, behavioral shifts, and overall safety practices. The Nuclear Excellence Academy (NEXA™) steps forward to uphold the highest nuclear safety standards through a systemic approach. Curriculum Development:  At NEXA, we will develop a structured […]

Design NEXA® Training
Focused attendees in a professional training session, highlighting the interactive and collaborative nature of modern learning environments for nuclear professionals.

Effective Nuclear Training Strategies for Modern Workforces

In the ever-evolving landscape of nuclear technology, it’s crucial to adopt effective nuclear training strategies. These approaches must comply with regulatory standards such as the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT), National Academy for Nuclear Training (ACAD), and the applicable sections of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR). The design approach should […]

Comprehensive Assessments Design Development Maintenance Training Nuclear Excellence Nuclear Safety Operations Training Performance Improvement Training
Control room training session for Nuclear Workforce Development Strategies

Advancing the Nuclear Workforce: Key Development Strategies

In today’s nuclear energy industry, where precision and safety reign supreme, adopting effective nuclear workforce development strategies is crucial. Our journey towards a skilled workforce hinges on a strategic approach to testing and training. As the industry continues to evolve, so must the methods by which we evaluate and develop the skills of nuclear professionals. […]

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